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At Grassroots, we love kids! They are the heart and future of the church. Children are always welcome in service.  We always leave it up to parents to decide what is best for their family.


NURSERY | Ages 0–4

We provide nursery throughout the entirety of service for ages four and under. Children play games, build friendships, and learn foundational truths about God’s love for us!



 Kids attending Children's Church begin in worship with us, then, before the sermon, they are sent to Children’s Church for their own age-appropriate teaching. This includes a variety of activities, videos, and lessons.  

If you are new to Grassroots, stop by the Grassroots Kids check-in table so our volunteers can help answer any questions you might have.


Grassroots communities are one of the ways we connect more deeply with God and each other. Each community is a bit unique, but typically, each group eats together, studies scripture together, serves together, prays together, and parties together. Instead of just “doing” or “going to” church, communities help us BE THE CHURCH together.


At Grassroots, we believe that ministry is not a program but that it happens in our day to day life among neighbors, family, friends, and coworkers.  We encourage people to live their lives on mission within their contexts.  When we do, ministry happens all the time.

While we value coming together on Sundays for worship and service toward one another, we also want to help people live missional lives and to love people and share Jesus in everyday life.

We believe love is an action. We believe the church should be the most loving community of people in the world.  If you are looking for more ways to love people and do ministry, both inside and outside of a Sunday morning,  here are some ideas:



  • First Impressions

  • Worship

  • Children's Ministry


  • Volunteer/Tutor at your local public school

  • Invite your neighbor (literally) over for dinner

  • Cut your neighbor’s lawn, rake their leaves, or shovel their driveway

  • Coach a kids sports team

  • Donate blood

  • Adopt a child or become a foster parent

  • Get involved in The Pregnancy Care Center, Rock House Kids,  Carpenter’s Place, Cornucopia, etc...

  • Or, just express God’s love in whatever unique way you are wired




This list can get real long… you get the idea.  Just remember, love is a verb.

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